Shri Ganesh Thakur Socio Educational
Research Foundation
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What is child sponsorship?
Child sponsorship is a regular giving program, wherein your (monthly/quarterly/half yearly/annual) contribution ensures education, healthcare support and a safe childhood to children from the most marginalized communities in India. By children, we mean not just children in poor communities but also orphans, disabled, children with learning disabilities, children in conflict situations and children with limited or no access to schools or basic facilities.
The sponsored child keeps you informed about the progress made in their lives and that of the community. To effectively leverage the sponsored child’s efforts as an ambassador of the community in which he or she lives, we link each child to up to three donors.
Become a regular donor
Regular giving (or direct debit) helps us to plan for long-term projects. There is an urgent need for regular giving as the people we work with, need help every day. Your regular donation allows us to implement impactful programmes which will bring about a substantial change in their lives.
When you sponsor a child
You are sponsoring a child’s education, healthcare and protection, and well-being of the community
You are not just helping the child go to school but are addressing all the factors that are keeping the child out of it
You are also helping build opportunities for the child's family to have a sustainable source of livelihood and income
Sponsor a child today and join us on a journey
Join us on a journey and see how your support transforms the lives of children and communities. You can donate either on a yearly basis or on a monthly basis.
For yearly basis, you donate ₹ 9,000 per child per year. For monthly option, you donate ₹750 per child per month through Credit Card Standing Instructions (CCSI) or Automated Clearing House (ACH), whichever mode of payment is preferred although we strongly recommend CCSI to ensure uninterrupted support for your sponsored child. We recommend a minimum of 3-year-long support in the best interest of the child. ActionAid Association is a 12A registered organisation which means 50% of your donations are exempted from tax under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961
Ways to Donate
We provide several options for you to donate. Apart from Credit Card, you also have the option to pay through Cheque, Debit Cards, Net Banking or Mobile Payments. If you are looking at sponsoring through cheque, please download our sponsorship form, fill it up and post it to us.